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Key details of


  1. Color Precision for Publishing:GIMP ensures accurate colors in both digital and print media, working seamlessly with software like Scribus, Inkscape, and SwatchBooker.
  2. Flexible and Expandable:GIMP’s extensibility supports multiple programming languages (Python, Scheme, etc.), allowing customization through community-made scripts and plugins.
  3. Scripted Manipulation:GIMP offers a robust framework for scripted image editing in various languages like C, Python, and more, enhancing manipulation possibilities.
  4. Top-tier Photo Editing:GIMP equips users with tools for high-quality image enhancement, covering retouching, restoration, and imaginative compositions.
  5. Unleash Artistic Potential:GIMP empowers artists to craft distinctive and original artwork by transforming images creatively.
  6. Graphics and UI Design:GIMP serves as a hub for crafting icons, design elements, and artwork essential for user interfaces and mockups.

Developer's description

GIMP comes with a built-in help system, available in dozens of languages. Once you have started the program, press F1 for context-sensitive help. You may have to install the help pages from a separate package (gimp-help), depending on how your version of GIMP was packaged.

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